halaakaana ? example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word halaakaana ? usage in english sentences. The examples of halaakaana ? are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., distraught, troubled, pestered, worried, vexed, harassed, pushed, mixed up, put out, disquieted, harried, embattled, distressed, in a fog, sick, surprised, surprise, perplexed, confused, at wits end, narrow, strapped, girth, cramped, hard pressed, poky, close, tight, straitened.

If aggregate output level, price level, or employment level, in the different production units of an economy, bear close relationship to each other then the task of analysing the entire economy becomes relatively easy.

But the thing that surprised me most was to see, on the back benches that were always empty, the village people sitting quietly like ourselves; old Hauser, with his three-cornered hat, the former mayor, the former postmaster, and several others besides.
What would I not have given to be able to say that dreadful rule for the participle all through, very loud and clear, and without one mistake? But I got mixed up on the first words and stood there, holding on to my desk, my heart beating, and not daring to look up.
When New Delhi was built, the National Museum and the National Archives were both located close to the iceregal Palace.
At about the age of twenty-five, the Prince, heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms.
They want certain stability about future income and work so that they do not feel worried on these aspects and work with greater zeal.
A close examination of above definitions reveals that communication is the process of exchange of information between two or more persons to reach common understanding.
For example, a worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry receiver cannot understand the real meaning of message.
The Constitution makers, however, were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the state Legislative Assemblies.
More than half of the people identified themselves as being close to one or the other political party.
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